Thursday, May 25, 2006

Today's Recommendation 5/24

This is StarBuX's Green Tea Blackberry Frappucino.

The sky is playing games with me.

Ann Arbor was like 55F two days back, today she decided to give everyone in town a bit of free barbequing. Maybe it's just me. I was wearing a bloody sweater, thinking that it's still very cold today.

So there I was, walking like a vampire that can't walk into the sunlight. wearing a thick black hoodie under the scorching sun. And then I found heaven, with a big goddess like logo with the word "Starbucks" on it.

Under these kind of circumstances, you'll want to get a triple shot expresso and go home. Okay, I was kidding, you will not want to take in much caffeine during this time of the day. It will get you more hyped up and heated up too, so, for once, I ordered something less caffeinated for a change.

Well, my recommendation today is to wear sleeveless and shorts to classes. That's if you still have any. I think it'll still be warm tonight, so don't worry about wearing too little.

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About this blog

A lot of stuff about what I think, and not what I am about. Which is good, because I would be able to make fun of Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Penn State, and discuss on our futility against Ohio State. (But Woo Shoelace!)

I still think the word "god" should not be capitalized, because like oxygen or air or universe, it's an entity, and is not specific or special in its meaning.