Saturday, July 19, 2008

open letter to the politically unknowing malaysian

Dear friend,

Recently there has been some stuff that's been going on in the political scene in Malaysia, and one of the more recent ones has been the second arrest of Anwar Ibrahim, former deputy prime minister and a high profile gay rights activist under the suspicion of sodomy.

The day he was detained, there was a plan for a gay and homosexual rights rally demanding his release. However it was democratically dispersed by the government through the peaceful use of road blocks and tax payer's money in exchange for frustration and inequality.

However many of the supporters instead picketed the streets, holding up sign boards in support of Anwar. Some picketers can be seen holding up signs saying "Gay people make good PM", a woman in particular was seen holding a sign that reads "I wish I'm a man coz then I'd be gay for Anwar", and more noticeably some held pickets that read "Allah God Dumbledore is gay too"

The morale of the people are heightened by the recent events and confidence in the government is definitely instilled amongst the people.


Ed note: Well this is one of the posts that reminds me that anonymity is everything in my blog, therefore it would be important to me for those of you who knew me to keep it to yourself.

in any case for the religious references, it was meant to be funny, so in any case don't be too offended by it ;D.

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About this blog

A lot of stuff about what I think, and not what I am about. Which is good, because I would be able to make fun of Notre Dame, Wisconsin, Penn State, and discuss on our futility against Ohio State. (But Woo Shoelace!)

I still think the word "god" should not be capitalized, because like oxygen or air or universe, it's an entity, and is not specific or special in its meaning.